जखम कितीही खोल असू दे शब्द ती भरून काढतात
बऱ्याच वेळा नबोलताही स्पर्श सर्वकाही बोलून जातो आणि प्रेमाची एक नजर नबोलताही बरच काही सांगून जाते. मनातली अनामिक ओढ सुद्धा अशीच आहे जी दिसत नाही फक्त जाणवते आणि हि एका मनापासून दुसऱ्या मनापर्यंत पोहोचण्याचे काम औंध.इन्फो करते.
आमच्या आर्त हाकेला तुम्हीही संवादाची साथ दया, तुम्ही आमच्याशी संपर्क साधू शकता मित्रत्वाच्या हक्काने या शिवाय...
जनसंपर्क : औंध... एक प्रभावी माध्यम !
औंध.इन्फो या संकेतस्थळावरील माहितीविषयी, मसुद्यांविषयी आपली प्रतिक्रिया जरूर पाठवा.
औंध संस्थाना विषयी / औंध गावाबद्दल माहिती हवी असल्यास आम्हाला कळवू शकता, आम्ही आमच्या कडून सर्वोतोपरी सहकार्य करू !
पर्यठकाना / यात्रेकरूना / भक्तांना मद्दत हवी असल्यास आम्हाला कळवू शकता, आम्ही आमच्या कडून सर्वोतोपरी सहकार्य करू !
आपण शंका विचारू शकता, काही सुचवू शकता, नवी माहितीही (संदर्भासह) पाठवू शकता.
मजकुरात काही त्रुटी असल्यास त्याबाबतही कळवू शकता.
औंध.इन्फो या संकेतस्थळावरती जाहिरात द्यावयाची असल्यास आम्हाला कळवू शकता.

संपर्क :
श्री आनंद मो. साळुंखे. ( निर्माता )
+९१ ७०२० ७३२ ७२२
प्रतिक्रिया/अभिप्राय :
* कृपया आपला मजकूर इंग्लिश मध्ये लिहावा !

"My village is near to Aundh .... nice Information .... thanks."
-Mr.Vijaykumar chandrakant shinde, A/P- Jakhangaon, Tal - khatav, Dist -satara, Sun 15/01/2017 3:28 PM
"Khupch chan website ahe."
-Mr.Yogesh Shrinivas Joshi, a/p-Bahe Tal- Walwa Dist-Sangli, Fri 23/12/2016 11:12 AM
I came across this website, when I was planning to visit Pusegaon. After reading content on website I have now decided to visit this historical city along with my family. Hope goddess Yamai devi brings this occasion soon."
Thanks for the very informative website.
-Mr. Amol Wayachal, Pune, Sun 04/12/2016 3:14 PM
"Sir aaple khup abhinandan aapan Khup changla upkram rabvat aahat aabhari aahe mala thodi mahiti pahije hoti ki atpadi aundh cha hissa hota aani tyaveli aamche panjoba shri rajesha Kazi pantpratinidhi Che kon tari hotel mala tyancha itihas milel ka."
-Mr.sadik inaytulla kazi, a/p- chinchale tal- atpadi, Wed 23/11/2016 12:23 PM
"Dear Mr. Anand,
I'm Kshitij Khatavkar from Chinchwad Pune. Yesterday on 24th April'16 I've visited Jyotiba/Aundh.
Every year we used to visit these places being a "Kulswamini"of family.
I've seen Bhawani Mata Musium yesterday once again & since yesterday I was thinking about the Balasaheb Maharaj & other history of Aundh.
There were lots of questions/ curiosity in mind about my history of Aundh & Balasaheb Maharaj & his family & many related questions.
While searching information on internet came to our website.
It was fabulous information on your website. You have made great efforts to collect information & its designing.
There were lots of information which I found from your website which was not known to my grandparents.
Many many thanks for detailed info about my native. Website is really priceless gift for many of Aundhkars like me.
THANKS a lot for great information & would like to meet you in my next visit to Aundh."
Thanks & Regards,
-Mr. Kshitij Khatavkar, Pune, Mon 25/04/2016 6:08 PM
"Please give Yamai devi trust a/c no for donations. Is there any facility of e-donation if so give me it's information as early as possible."
-Mr.Atul Prabhakarrao Palekar, Sri Yamai Keshavraj nagar Sailu Dist Parbhanii, Wed 24/02/2016 6:00 PM
"Our family feel very close to Aundh Sansthan. We are like to go for Shri Yamaidevi Darshan.My father stayed their for 1 and half year."
"I learn that Barrister Appasaheb Pant gave his Land at Pune to University of Pune i.e. for the noble cause of Education , irrespective of any cast and creed . Effort should be made to rename University of Pune as \' Barrister Appasaheb Pant University of Pune .University would not have taken place without the land donated by Late Appasaheb.The present CM of maharashtra Namdar Prithavirajji Chavan is from satara distt. Hence efforts should be made now before the University is named after some corrupt political leader ."
-Mr. P. V. DHODAPKAR, Baner Road , Pune - 411007, Tue 17/09/2013 4:28 AM
"This is good site and I liked it.
I seek some information about my native place.
I am the native of small village called Palaskhed ,near to Dighanchi in Atpadi taluka.
Was it the part of Aundh
If you have any information please let me know."
-Mr. Manoj,UAE, Mon 19/08/2013 11:38 PM
"ANANDAJI ,apratim website ,sundar warnan ,apratim mandani ,sundar fotos ...pratkshya Aundhla bhet dilyasarakhe watate ........apali bhashasaundaryahi sundar ahe....DHYANAWAD.MILIND VELHAL..............web site SARVNSUNDAR ...THANKS.MILIND ."
-Mr. MILIND VELHAL, MASUR, Thu 11/07/2013 1:12 PM
"Dear Sir / Medam,
I need more information about Appasaheb Pant.
Exactly I need his tenyor as High Commissioner of UK and Kenya and other political achievements.
If possible pl. send me the details ASAP."
-Kamal Rao, News Editor'Gujarat Samachar',London N1 6HW, Mon 01/07/2013 5:02 PM
"Lahanpani vachlela \"Aundhacha Raja\" kharkhura bhetla..aundhachya mahitisathi far odh manat hoti...to tumhi purn kelit. Tyabaddal shatasha aabhar..Aundhache Raje Balasaheb Pantpratinidhi va yamai devi yana trivar manacha mujara!!! "
-Mr. Sagar Waghmare, Pandharpur, Dist: Solapur, Mon 24/06/2013 11:41 PM
"Apli website khup awadli, Good information."
-Anju Deshpande, Nigdi,Thu 13/06/2013 2:25 PM
"Dear Anand,
I am from Jamb (Jakhangaon). But still Aundh is very close to my hart.
Thanks once again for recording this valuable information in the format which goes close to next generation & hope will be convey our pride."
-Regards, Mr. Ajit Shinde, Navi Mumbai,Tue 12/03/2013 8:42 AM
"Dear Team,
Very good site. The efforts & the hard work of the entire team is getting reflected on each & every page. Everyone associated to the Aundh by any rationale should feel proud of this document."
-Regards, Mr. Ajit Shinde, Navi Mumbai,Thu 07/03/2013 2:52 PM
" This site & information on this very good.
: आम्हांला खूप आनंद वाटतो कि तुम्ही औंधचे नावं जगाच्या नकाश्यावर कोरलंत ".
- Mr. Pranit nikam, Aundh, Tue 06/11/2012 4:03 PM
" I really love this Website.
We get all the information about Aundh.....
I have spend my Childhood and my Grandparents,relatives also live there and i love Aundh very much....
U have done a great work on this website...".
- Ms. ASHWINI JAGDALE, Moti Bagh New Delhi, Mon 05/11/2012 5:31 PM
" Dear Anand,
Congrats and thanks a lot for making such a wonderful website on Aundh. It really brings us back to Aundh. You really have worked hard in collecting material and making this website.If you could make forum in her then we all Aundhkar can find our childhood friends and express ourselves".
- Maj. pravin janardan haridas, pandharpur, Mon 05/11/2012 12:39 PM
" Hi..
Very Good Informative & Nice Contribution.
Congrats& Best Wishes".
- MR. SANTOSH S. SHIRKE, A/P-KOKARALE, Mon 22/10/2012 5:21 PM
" Hi Anand and team,
Very proud to be †˜Aundhkar ’.
First of all, I really appreciate your idea to bring Aundh on the web. This has brought Aundh more closer to the people like me who are very attached to it.
Though I brought up and educated in Pune, my summer and diwali vacations have always been booked for Aundh. The childhood memories such as carrying tiffins with siblings and friends to Moolpeeth, evening walks in, around and outskirts of the village, Mangalwar bazaar, trying to have first glimpse of moolpeeth from ghatmatha while going from Pune, evening chats with grandparents and other family members in the lights of lantern (those were the days when electricity supply was rarely happened to be on), listening and remembering stories, shlokas and mantra pathan from my aunt and so on. They are just unforgettable but, nevertheless, those have been refreshed once again because of this site.
My grandfather, Late Shri Vasudeo Narayan Velhal had a very tough time to survive in his younger age. Aundh has given him a helping hand to settle down in his life after he started business there. My father, Late Shri Mohan Vasudeo Velhal, is borne and brought up in Aundh. May be, being Aundhkar, he had a lots of interest in literature and has contributed considerably in that field. Aundh has definitely captured major part of whatever we have succeeded in earning and learning and what we are today. And, of course, not to forget, the blessings of Shree Ambabai and Shree Yamai which will always be there, we pray!
Heartiest congratulations to your team in bringing Aundh so near to everyone!"
- Mr. Hemant Mohan Velhal, Bibvewadi, Pune 37, Fri 19/10/2012 4:21 PM
"Very useful information to get alive the history".
- Mr. Dhananjay Kavade, Vivekanandnagar, Vita, Thu 27/09/2012 12:51 PM
"Dear Mr. Anand,
You've made a great web site on Aundh and it has tempted us to visit this place.
We're planning to visit Gondavale in this 'Adhik' maas and thereafter planning to visit Aundh also while going to Chaphal.
Looking at the time & schedule, it seems, we'll have to do night halt in Aundh. On your web site, you've mentioned about Kunal lodge but haven't provided their contact no. So it would be helpful if you're able to provide me their contact no. as well as put those contact numbers on your web site. If there are other places in Aundh also where we can stay with family, that information would also be useful.
Thanks for your help and also for making this beautiful web site.
Best Regards,
- Mr. Sandeep Pawar, Tue 21/08/2012 8:28 PM
"Thank you Anand for your fast response and the information, Your website is very very very good and your response is also very good, my daughter god admission to the shri shri vidyalay and the vasatigruh also".
- Mrs. Mangal Dhane , A/ P: - PADALI (NINAM), TAL/DIST: SATARA, Thu 07/06/2012 9:31 PM
Help -
"Is Dr, Mohanrao Kulkarni, M.B.B.S related to Pant Pratinidhi family? His Where about".
- Mr. Prabhakar Narayan Mule ,Gangapur Road, Nashik - 13, Wed 30/05/2012 5:10 PM
"AAPAN ANANT MANOHAR JOSHI YANCHI INFORMATION SITE VAR TAKALI AAHE. TYAT त्यांच्या अस्ती ठेवलेल्या जागी दत्त मंदिर बांधले व आपल्या गुरूंच्या पुण्यतितीला आश्विन वधपंचमी ह्या दिवशी संगीत सेवा सुरु केली.YAT पुण्यतिथीला व वद्य ASA ULLEKH PAHIJE".
- Mr. Suhas Modar ,Tue 22/05/2012 3:38 PM
"Need to perform spiritual pooja of Yamai Devi,
Please forward us the contact details & the day when we will perform the pooja".
- Mr. Sanjay Parbal, Malad West, Mumbai - 64, Tue 24/04/2012 10:44 PM
"It is really a nice tour to Aundh, my village.
All of your effrots are appriciated".
- Mrs. Nisha Kulkarni Jahagirdar, Dhayari, Pune-41, Fri 06-Apr-12 1:31 PM
The web-site and the information given is very nice and any one can easily find the location and visit at Aundh, and then he will be vey happy.
Till date I have not visited Aundh but within next 2 to 3 months I will definitely visit the place enjoy the full day.
My best wishes to you all.
- Vilas Mahadeo Datar, Pune, Wed 04-Apr-12 7:47 AM
My childhood is gone in Aundh.
And i really like all the information and pictures that you have uploaded..
- Ambadas Jagdale, New Delhi, Sun 01-Apr-12 6:14 PM
Hello ,
The work you have done with your website is very appreciable.
I have got lots of valid information about Yamai devi.
Yamai devi is our Kuladevi. If anyone knows his deity very well then it will helps him to increase his devotion towards his deity.
And you have done divine work by forming informative website.
Thank you very much !
May 'Yamai' devi bless you!!!
- Yogesh Patil, at-padali, tal-hatkanangle,dist-kolhapur, Fri 30-Mar-12 11:32 AM
आज आपली साईट पुन्हा पाहिली, गर्व वाटला माझा जन्म मुंबईत झाला तरी आम्ही आमचे गाव औंध सांगतो कारण कि आमची मागील पिढी हि औंध मध्ये होती जरी औंध मध्ये राहिलो नाही तरी मी एक स्वतःला औंधकर समजतो, आपल्या ह्या उपक्रमाला त्रिवार मुजरा !
- संजय र. पवार, चेंबूर, गुरुवार, २९-मार्च-१२, दुपारी १:१० वा.
It is indeed a great task you have performed. My forefathers were attached with Aundh Sansthan and Yamai mata. I am very proud of this legacy. In future I will assist you if you take in hand a venture to make a positive propaganda of this divine princely state globally.
- KEDAR JOSHI, PUNE, Tue 27-Mar-12 1:23 PM
for receiving Govt. of Maharashtra Prize.
- Namdev V. Telore, Aundh, Sun 18-Mar-12 12:50 PM
very good and informative site. yamai devi is my family\'s kuldevi so every year we do visit aundh. really nice place and your presenation is too good
- sachin shrinivas nagaonkar, pune, Thu 15-Mar-12 3:45 PM
या आणि पुन्हा एकदा आपल्या पाऊलांनी या मातीचा स्पर्श करून कृतज्ञ व्हा !
- मयूर जयवंत खराडे, औंध, गुरुवार ०८-मार्च-१२, सकाळी ८:५२ वा.
सर, आपल्या या स्तुत्य उपक्रमाबद्दल आपले हार्दिक अभिनंदन...
पुढच्या वाटचालीसाठी शुभेच्छा...
- महादेव सावंत, डोंबिवली, बुधवार, ०७-मार्च-१२ सायंकाळी ५:०९ वा.
Our website is very beautiful
All information for this website.
- Mrs. ujwala gurav, bhandup ( east ) mumbai 400042, Tue 28-Feb-12 9:54 AM
सर्वप्रथम राज्य मराठी विकास संस्थेतर्फे घेण्यात आलेल्या संकेतस्थळांच्या स्पर्धेत आपल्याला पुरस्कार मिळाला त्याबद्दल हार्दिक अभिनंदन !
आम्ही दि. २७ फेब्रुवारीला मराठी दिनाचे औचित्य साधून महाराष्ट्र टाईम्स मध्ये आपल्या संकेतस्थळाविषयी एक लेख लिहीत आहोत.
आपली आणि आपल्या संकेतस्थळाची प्रगती अशीच चालत राहो तसेच त्याचा सर्वसामान्य जनतेला अधिकाधिक उपयोग होवो हीच अपेक्षा.
- आपला स्नेहांकित, अमित फाटक, शुक्रवार २४-फेब्रुवारी-१२ दुपारी १:५९ वा.
Nice website
- Pramod Dalal, Nashik, Tue 21-Feb-12 10:33 AM
Dear Anand sir,
"It was very nice of you to call me and give information about Aundh.As told my parents were there to take darshana of Yamai Devi.It was very comfortable time for them because of your guidance.Thank you very much."
- Mandar Kulkarni, Pune, Thu 26-Jan-12 7:09 PM
" We want to visit Yamai Devi on Sunday,kindly can you tell us what is avilability of buses from satara and from aundh also what is the last bus timing as we want to attend evening puja and then leave to Pune".
- Anil Kulkarni, Pune, Thu 19-Jan-12 3:24 PM
Hi Anand,
"First let me congreatulate you for this excellent work. I am very happy to see this site, This site will help promote the tourism to Aundh in todays digital world. I have studied in SS Highschoold till 10th but did not knew many significant things, which I now know becuase of this site and which makes me proud that I belonged to Aundh by some way".
- Nitin Deshmukh, Jaygaon, Tal-Khatav, Dist. Satara, Wed 18-Jan-12 11:19 AM
Dear Anand,
........................................................................................................................................................ "औंध संस्थानाची चांगल्या प्रकारे माहिती दिल्या बदल आभारी आहे", आपलाच प्रमोद - प्रमोद वसव, मु. / पो. औंध, ता. - खटाव, जिल्हा - सातारा , रविवार ०१-जानेवारी-१२ सकाळी ७:१९ वा. ........................................................................................................................................................ "i doing p,hd on aundh state, in shivaji university kol. u help me my reserch work i will meet u next month" - karim nabi mulla, a/p mol, tal. khatav, dist satara, Thu 15-Dec-11 11:29 AM ........................................................................................................................................................ "Nice Contribution, Congratulations..!" - Namdev V. Telore, A/P: Aundh, Tal: Khatav, Dist: Satara, Mon 05-Dec-11 6:08 PM ........................................................................................................................................................ "सुंदर साईट बनवली आहे, असे वाटले गावाला आलो आहोत" ! - पूनम, मुलुंड , गुरुवार ०१-डिसेंबर-११ सकाळी ९:२४ वा. ........................................................................................................................................................ "Your website provided detail information about Historical Aundh. Thank you Sir". - Rahul Sadashiv Kharade, At post Aundh, Tal Khatav, Mon 21-Nov-11 12:45 PM ........................................................................................................................................................ "Firstly, I would like to congratulate you for starting such good initiative through this website.
Further I would like to know in what purpose money from charity is utilized as I am interested in donating such amount towards charity". - Pratik Vikas Kulkarni, Malad ( East ), Sun 30-Oct-11 10:25 AM ........................................................................................................................................................ "best collection " - pramod r raut, ap aundh, Mon 24-Oct-11 4:52 PM ........................................................................................................................................................ " I like aundh village. its a very nice". - veena, pune, Sat 08-Oct-11 7:08 AM ........................................................................................................................................................ "चाकरमान्या औंधकारांसाठी औंध मध्ये असल्यचा आनंद देणारे हे पेज...
", थँक्स. - अमित रणदिवे, सीबीडी, बेलापूर, सोमवार २४-ऑक्टोबर-११ सकाळी ६:४९ वा. ........................................................................................................................................................ "This site & information on this very good. - yogesh vasant patil ,at-padali,tal-hatkanangle,dist-kolhapur, Wed 28-Sep-11 8:38 AM ........................................................................................................................................................ " मी ह्याच गावचा आहे. मस्त झाली आहे वेबसाईट, आणि ती मला खूप आवडली " - महेश देशमुख, मु. पो. औंध, जि. सातारा, शनिवार २४-सप्टेंबर-११ दुपारी १:४२ वा.
........................................................................................................................................................ " माझी कुलदेवी यमाई आहे, आपण जे वेबसाइड काढली ती छान आहे, मी तुमचे आभार मानतो " - सतीश. म. चव्हाण, शुक्रवार २३-सप्टेंबर-११ सकाळी ९:०१ वा. ........................................................................................................................................................ "प्रभू राम ज्यावेळी औंधमध्ये सीतेच्या शोधात आले तेव्हा पार्वतीने त्यांची परीक्षा घेतली पण सीतेच्या रुपात असणाऱ्या पार्वतीला रामचंद्रांनी ओळखले व येमाई अशी आर्त हाक मारली."
तुझ्या कार्यास माझ्याकडून काही मदत लागल्यास हाक मार ! - अमर विश्वनाथ यादव, औंध, शनिवार ०३-सप्टेंबर-११ सकाळी ११:३५ वा.
........................................................................................................................................................ "very informative. thanks for making and sharing this. - Swapnil Murlidhar Gonjari, A/p vaduj tal. khatav, Tue 25-Jan-11 2:27 PM ........................................................................................................................................................ "thanks for the write our own place" - Mr saurabh chandrakant kumbhar, atp. aundh tal.khatav dist.satara, Sat 08-Jan-11 4:34 PM ........................................................................................................................................................ HALLO - SHRIKANT A.PRABHUDESAI, LARSEN & TOUBRO LTD, MUMBAI, Tue 26-Oct-10 12:04 PM ........................................................................................................................................................ Wonderful work... I offered my puja to the gr8 raja...i feel proud about my home town.. Thank u very much..& Best of Luck for remaining work on this site & many more... - NIKHIL RAVINDRA DESAI, PUNE, Sun 24-Oct-10 3:30 PM ........................................................................................................................................................
I would like to know \'Arti of Yamai devi\' which is done dail in temple.I apprciate & thankful to your work"